"Some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry"
Philippians 1.15
The other day I was thinking and meditating on this verse and felt a strong conviction, that it wasn't talking just talking about other people.
It comes in a remarkable section in which Paul makes his passion for the spread of the gospel absolutely clear. He reflects on the fact that there are two groups preaching the gospel. One group is motivated by goodwill - presumably for the apostle and perhaps for those hearing the gospel. The other group is motivated by envy and rivalry - it seems that they want to take advantage of Paul's incarceration to advance their own leadership ambitions. Paul, though, says it is of no matter. He is not concerned by people's motivation, just so long as the gospel is preached and Christ glorified.
I have always thought that that was the take home point for me, but then I was struck by the thought - do I preach Christ out of envy and rivalry? The problem is that too often I look for affirmation as to how I am doing, by comparing myself to others. I keep looking at the other people with whom I graduated out of theological college and think - am I doing as well as them? I am also aware of my subconscious thanksgiving law, whereby how thankful I am at the growth of another church, is directly related to how many miles they are away from mine - I really thank the Lord for the growth of the church in Australia!
I pray for revival in Wallington, but I realise that I must be prepared that God might, in his grace, give it through another church and ministry. I want God to use us, to make us fruitful, but can I rejoice when he brings that fruit more obviously through others? I need the Lord's help and grace to make his glory of infinitely greater joy to me than my own.